
Otolaryngology is the branch of medicine that deals with the anatomy, 耳朵的功能和疾病, 鼻子和喉咙(也被称为“耳鼻喉科”). Our surgical care team and associated otolaryngologists are skilled in performing a variety of surgeries and procedures for common ear, 鼻子和喉咙状况.

手术前,一定要检查我们的 Important 病人 Instructions and 信息.

Commonly used in children who suffer from repeat ear infections, 耳管很小, 空心, plastic tubes that are placed in a small surgical opening in the eardrum. This allows any fluid behind the ear drum to drain and allows air into the middle ear, which reduces the incidence of ear infections, 缓解耳朵的压力和疼痛, 还能改善听力. The procedure is relatively quick and simple and is performed 全身麻醉下.

Endoscopic sinus surgery is performed when the mucous membranes inside the nose and facial sinuses become chronically inflamed or infected, and the infection or inflammation cannot be relieved with medication. 在手术过程中, 内窥镜(内窥镜), 灵活的, lighted viewing instrument) is inserted into the nose, along with surgical instruments designed to remove small amounts of bone, 息肉, tissue or other materials blocking the sinus opening. The procedure may be performed under either local or general anesthesia, 在你的医生办公室或在医院.

喉镜检查 is a diagnostic procedure in which the doctor uses a lighted scope to examine the back of your throat, larynx (voice box) and vocal cords to help determine the cause of various problems including voice issues, 喉咙和耳朵疼痛, 还有吞咽困难. The scope may also be used to perform a biopsy, 清除喉咙内的异物, 或者切除声带上的息肉. The scope may be rigid or 灵活的, depending on the particular problem or procedure to be performed. Flexible laryngoscopies are generally performed in your doctor’s office, while rigid laryngoscopies are performed in our Doris E. 马德拉内窥镜套房 戴金宝医院 全身麻醉下.

鼻中隔成形术 is the repair of the nasal septum, the wall of thin bone and cartilage that separates the two nasal passages. The procedure is performed to correct a deviated septum, 鼻中隔弯曲的情况, 哪些会导致呼吸问题, 打鼾和睡眠呼吸暂停. It may also be performed to allow access into the nose to remove nasal 息肉. The procedure may be done under either local or general anesthesia.

甲状腺切除术 is the removal of all or part of the thyroid, a gland located at the front of the neck just under the Adam’s apple that produces hormones responsible for regulating many of the body’s functions. A thyroidectomy may be performed to treat thyroid nodules, hyperthyroidism (where the thyroid is producing too much hormone) and thyroid cancer. 

Tonsils and adenoids are part of the lymphatic system. Tonsils are located at each side of the back of the throat and adenoids are located above the roof of the mouth, 在鼻子后面. Either the tonsils or adenoids or both may be removed due to tonsillitis (infection of the tonsils), 腺样体炎(腺样体感染), or to help treat frequent throat infections and inflammation. They may also be removed if they are so large as to cause ear infections or sleep apnea. The procedure may be performed under local or general anesthetic, depending on the patient’s age.

鼓室成形术 is the surgical reconstruction of the tympanic membrane (ear drum) and sometimes also the small bones of the middle ear. This surgery may be performed if the ear drum becomes perforated due to chronic infection or trauma. 

计费 & 支付信息

Please note that billing for surgical procedures will be submitted to your insurance carrier by more than one party; the physician’s practice for surgical services, 戴金宝医院 for facility services and North American Partners for Anesthesia (NAPA) for anesthesiology services (if applicable). Please check with your insurance carrier for details about your specific coverage, 元钱, deductibles and any prior authorization requirements. If you have questions about your 戴金宝医院 bill or need help paying for care, 请国内买球的正规网站有哪些的团队 金融咨询师. 看到我们的 计费页面 了解更多信息.

Other Services Integrated with 耳、鼻 and 喉咙手术



手术护理: Important 病人 Instructions and 信息
戴金宝医院: Admissions 信息
戴国内买球的正规网站有哪些:校园地图 & 目录
戴金宝医院: Brousseau Surgical Suite
戴金宝医院: Medical/Surgical/Pediatric Inpatient Unit
支持团体 (See “Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster” Program for adults, Operation Kimball Kids for children)


耳朵, nose and throat surgeries at 戴金宝医院 are performed by and scheduled through our associated surgeon's offices.

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